About Me

Sara Williams (she/her), Ph.D., MSSW, CSW is an award-winning researcher in the areas of suicide prevention and gender and sexual diversity. Her dissertation research focuses on the intersection of gender and sexual diversity and lived experience of suicide. Her areas of interest have ranged from individual experiences of suicide to social factors contributing to elevated suicide prevalence among gender- and sexually- diverse persons. This work is based on the conviction that to alleviate the intense suffering that frequently leads individuals to consider and attempt suicide, we must address social factors that are contributing to suffering and preventing gender and sexually diverse folx from living the life they want to live.

In addition to research, Sara’s work involves awareness and training efforts that enhance people’s understanding of gender and sexual diversity and improves suicide risk assessment and management services. She provides suicide prevention trainings for community members through the Louisville Mayor’s Office for Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods and works closely with the State Suicide Prevention Coordinator on prevention efforts. Sara also serves on suicide prevention and diversity boards and committees with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the American Association of Suicidology, Trauma-Resilient Communities, and the University of Louisville. Sara has served as co-chair for the Active Minds group on campus — which promotes mental health awareness and well-being among college students— as well as helping to plan the UofL Out of the Darkness Campus Walk for suicide prevention for the past 6 years.

Sara believes that to address the issues in our society, we have to address social injustices and interactions at all levels, and as a loss survivor with lived experience of suicide, Sara is determined to spread knowledge and hope wherever possible. Her goal is to promote a world of inclusion, connection, and safety for everyone in all aspects of her work.

Contact Details

Sara M. Williams
Email Me


Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work

Raymond A. Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, 

University of Louisville September 2022

Dissertation: Stigma Described by Attempt Survivors with Diverse Gender and Sexual Identities in Their Suicide Stories: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Dissertation

Master of Science in Social Work

Kent School of Social Work, University of Louisville May 2016

Bachelor of Science in Sociology

University of Louisville May 2013

Research Interests

My research focuses on experiences of suicide among gender and sexually diverse persons with lived experience of suicide.

  • Suicide
  • Suicide Prevention
  • Gender and Sexual Diversity
  • Mental Health
  • Social Justice
  • Oppression


Beyond #FreeBritney: Teaching Social Workers about Surrogate Decision Making through the Spears Case.

Harris, L.M., Williams, S.M., Nyerges, E.X. & Bloomer, R. 2022

Barriers to implantation of a technology based mental health intervention in a rural setting.

Antle, B.F., Harris, L.M., Wright, J.H., Eells, T., Logsdon, A., Williams, S.M., Katz, R., Cappicce, A., & Owen, J. 2021

Dissemination of Computer-Assisted Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Depression in Primary Care.

Antle, B.F., Owen, J., Wells, M.J., Eells, T.D., Harris, L.B., Cappiccie, A., Wright, R.B., Williams, S.M., & Wright, J.H. 2019


National Presentations

“Our World, Our Say”: The Use of Photovoice for Youth-Driven HIV Advocacy Efforts in Vietnam.

Harris, L.M., Bloomer, R., Williams, S.M., Osezua, V., Sato, D., Thang, N.D., Byun, K., & Hambrick, M. Paper presentation at the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. May 2021. Urbana-Champaign, IL.

The disclosure cycle: Coming out and suicide-related disclosure.

Williams, S.M. & Frey, L.M. Paper presentation at the American Association of Suicidology Annual Conference. April 2020. Portland, OR. (Accepted, unable to present due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.)

Love Notes: Developing healthy relationships and reducing suicidality.

Williams, S.M., Frey, L.M., Antle, B.F., Barbee, A., & Frame, C. Poster presentation at the American Association of Suicidology Annual Conference. April 2020. Portland, OR. (Accepted, unable to present due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.)

The impacts of lived experience as a youth in the child welfare system on direct care staff.

Purdy, L.M., Williams, S.M., Randall, J.M., & Harris, L.M. Paper presentation at the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. May 2019. Urbana-Champlain, IL.

Exploring college student typologies based on suicide experience, knowledge, and attitudes.

Williams, S.M. & Frey, L.M. Poster presentation at the American Association of Suicidology Annual Conference. April 2019. Denver, CO.

Loss survivor perceptions of suicide: Comparing the United States and Japan.

Williams, S.M., Brown, M., Cerel, J., Frey, L.M., & Kheibari, A. Paper presentation at the American Association of Suicidology Annual Conference. April 2018. Washington, DC.

Are suicide attitudes different in suicide attempt survivors?

Kheibari, A., Brown, M., Cerel, J., Frey, L.M., & Williams, S.M. Paper presentation at the American Association of Suicidology Annual Conference. April 2018. Washington, DC.

The unique experiences of a dual identity: Exploring lived experience in gender and sexual minority suicide attempt survivors.

Williams, S.M., Frey, L.M., Stage, D.L., & Cerel, J. Poster presentation at the American Association of Suicidology Annual Conference. April 2017. Phoenix, AZ.

In their own words: New research using attempt survivor narratives to inform professional practice.

Frey, L.M., Stage, D.L., Cerel, J., Sanford, R.L., Nadler, S., & Williams, S.M. Panel presentation at the American Association of Suicidology Annual Conference. April 2017. Phoenix, AZ.


Recent Presentations

Affirming Gender and Sexual Diversity: Preventing Suicide and Promoting Resilience

Williams, S.M. Invited presentation for Coalition for the Homeless. June 2021.

Gender and Sexual Diversity in Social Work Practice: Embracing Diversity and Strengthening Inclusion

Williams, S.M. Workshop for Field Educators. Kent School of Social Work, University of Louisville. May 2021.

Preventing Suicide and Promoting Resilience in Gender and Sexually Diverse Youth.

Williams, S.M. Invited Presentation. CCC/PACS Virtual Conference: What We Don't Know Can Hurt. April 2021.

Coping in a Crisis: Suicide Prevention and Coping During COVID-19.

Williams, S.M. Invited Presentation. One Love Louisville, Mayor’s Office for Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods. Jan 26, 2021.


Part Time Faculty

Kent School of Social Work, University of Louisville Fall 2019 - Present

  • SW 697: Suicide and Self Injury. Advanced elective, MSSW program. Independently developed course design, curriculum, and syllabus.
  • Spring 2020. Online.
  • SW 642: Psychopathology. Core curriculum, MSSW program. Collaborated with course chair on curriculum development.
  • Summer 2021. Online.
  • Spring 2021. Online.
  • Summer 2020. Accelerated session. Online.
  • Spring 2020. Online.
  • SW 641: Social Justice and Injustice in Social Welfare Policies. Elective, MSSW program.
  • Summer 2020. Online.
  • Fall 2019. Online.
  • SW 603/307: Diversity, Oppression, and Social Justice Practice. Core curriculum, MSSW program.
  • Spring 2020. Online.
  • Fall 2019. Face to face.
  • Guest Lecturer

    Kent School of Social Work, University of Louisville Summer 2017 - Present

  • Gender & Sexual Diveristy and Suicide Prevention
  • Suicide Risk Assessment and Management
  • Working with Gender and Sexual Minorities
  • Words to Live By

    • As persons, we are incomparable, unclassifiable, uncountable, irreplacable.

      W.H. Auden
    • Create the change the world needs by creating change within yourself.

      Layla F. Saad